With the Tuesday Q&A series, CatMax Photography introduces you to exceptional entrepreneurs who have gone through the CatMax Personal Branding Experience.
Today, we’re featuring two ladies who are a joy to work with – Paige Risley and Beth Moffatt, founders of We Recruit Well, which helps businesses fill remote and hybrid roles. The duo was first featured on the blog in 2022.
Now, they’re back to talk about making their business partnership a success, professional development, a website revamp, and, of course, their latest Personal Branding Experience.
(L ro R): Beth Moffatt and Paige Risley
Photo Credit: CatMax Photography
All business partnerships have ups and downs. What have you done to make yours successful?
Paige: We’ve grown slowly and organically. We didn’t try to force our growth and sign any and all clients. We want to work with clients that fit our mission and vision and are good people to work with.
That’s hard to stick to when there’s a client knocking on the door with money in hand but is best when you don’t feel a potential client is a good fit. Turning down paying clients isn’t something we take lightly. But if we don’t feel good about working with them or our ability to fill their position, we don’t take them.
Beth: We both speak our minds and sincerely listen to one another. Obviously, we don’t agree about everything, but the back-and-forth, give-and-take nature of our conversations creates an atmosphere where differing viewpoints are brought out, examined, and compromises can be made.
You both love learning and discovering ways to improve your business. What have been some of the most beneficial things you’ve learned since starting this journey?
Paige: There have been so many! We LOVE Patrick Lencioni. In his latest book, “The 6 Types of Working Genius,” we learned our zones of genius, what we’re missing as a team, and how to compensate for those and not get burned out.
“The Ideal Team Player” is another one of Lencioni’s books and one we go back to all the time. Our biggest takeaway is that you want to hire the right people for the right seat on your team. If you don’t have both, your team will struggle.
Photo Credit: CatMax Photography
Beth: Planning is another big key for us. We meet weekly to talk through everything on our weekly agenda. We also meet regularly to brainstorm ideas and discuss fresh ways to approach business, marketing, sales, and especially how to lead leaders well.
There’s definitely a coaching aspect to the hiring process. We have to discern what our clients really need and strategize how to meet those needs in the current hiring climate. Sometimes, this requires helping them see things in a different way so they get the best ‘bang for their buck’ when deciding on a new hire.
Tell us about your marketing strategy for 2023 and how the CatMax Photography Personal Branding Experience fits into it.
Beth: Our goal this year was to create a fresh website for We Recruit Well. Although we try to keep up with the latest trends and make changes often, we knew our website needed a fresh set of eyes and a different look.
Our methods remain the same, but as a company, we’ve changed and grown, and we want others to see that.
What goals did you have for this Personal Branding Experience?
Beth: Last time, our photo shoot was in the winter, so we wanted photos of us that could be used at other times of the year. We’ll continue to use the photos from our last branding shoot, especially in the winter months.
That was a COLD day, and we were bundled up in several of our pics. Our latest shoot was on a beautiful spring day, and the pictures reflect that.
How else did this Personal Branding Experience differ from your previous one?
Paige: We knew more about what we wanted and how we wanted to use the photos.
Beth: We hired a young makeup artist without a lot of experience the first time. This time we used someone local who was highly recommended. She was perfect for us.
We felt our makeup looked completely natural but still had the “extra” Catrina needed to capture us at our best.
Also, neither of us really likes to have pictures taken, but we knew Catrina would make us feel completely comfortable. So, we went into this one with more confidence.
What are some of your favorite photos from this shoot and why?
Beth: I like the variety in this shoot. We changed outfits several times, started outside in the rain, then did some inside shots.
Once it cleared up, we did more outside in the natural light. Those were a lot of fun to do – although we decided we have absolutely no idea how to make a high five look natural!
Paige: I loved them all! I really like the different ones, such as the ones where Catrina had us hold empty frames so our social media person can use them in posts. I also loved the outside pictures. They really add bright light.
Follow We Recruit Well on Instagram at @werecruitwell.